Our school's competitive robotics teams have been meeting after school online. We have access to a great online simulator and IDE. The students have created their own project folders, and have access to their own simulator log in to practice running the code they have written with their online robot.
This sounds amazing, right?
The first few meetings went really well. The students, for the most part, were able to log into the simulator where they could write, compile, and run their code. The IDE folder application was giving us fits, but we worked around it.
Our district later removed the IDE website block, so I thought we would be cooking with gas last week. The students would just log in and be coding masters!
Oh. My. Goodness! A few of the students were not able to log into their folders and this just spiraled out of control! A LOT of talking over one another, and frustration, and tears.....
Eventually, we all took a breath and did whatever we could on the websites. However, this meeting felt like such an epic fail!
Have you ever had those meetings where you wished you could push the re-do button. Just start again?
Oh the joys of online meetings!
A positive take away, though, we are working through the bugs and getting closer each week to having them all worked out!
Really looking forward to meeting after school face to face.
Stay strong educators.
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